" Shall I tell my friend you will take another if she has one better than this? " asked Jo, unconscious of her little slip of the tongue, and emboldened by her success.
The two main ones involve the existence of an unconscious, unconscious motivation, and the notion of unconscious dynamics or unconscious conflict which lead to mental illnesses, dreams, slips of the tongue and so on.
Faith then says, " I noticed he made a few slips of the tongue, but I didn't notice all that." Once again, Faith doesn't think that Paul's problems were as serious as what Omar is describing.
Faith 然后说, “我注意到他说几句误,但我没有注意到所有这些。 ”再一次,Faith 并不认为 Paul 问题像 Omar 所描述那样严重。
The problem is Freud had a very sort of hydraulic theory of what goes on and some of this stuff slips out and it shows up in dreams and it shows up in slips of the tongue.
He got them to fall out of an exercise book, turn up inside a banana skin, and hide inside a computer program. Without the slightest effort, he could get Alberto to make a slip of the tongue and call Sophie Hilde.